Friday, March 16, 2012

The letter P

      The letter P at our house is obviously, all about Stormin P! He is absolutely ALL boy.  He was a slightly unexpected addition to our family. P has added such a great personality; I don't know how we ever managed without him.
      P is the oldest and he does such a good job at it. He is very protective of Q but, he can be equally bossy to him at times. Q doesn't seem to mind though cause they still play together alot. They are truly each others buddy. Playing cars, reading stories, and exploring the park together.
      Like any kid P loves to play and rough house. He is learning quickly that the bigger boys at the park know how to really play. I'm just hoping it doesn't lead to stitches.
      He is my big helper. P already does a few chores all by himself like unloading the dishwasher, vacuuming and picking up the play room. He loves to help me cook by sprinkling in the spices and dumping in extra ingredients. The best though seems to be mixing. P has become such a good cook that we have let him make dinner pretty much on his own a couple of times now.
      P is Daddy's shadow. He loves to do and, say anything that Daddy does. (BMT has been hard for Daddy's buddy.) P and Daddy play video games, watch movies, build race tracks, dance silly, wrestle, and play rescue heroes together all the time. He loves to cuddle with Daddy. Just like Dad he has to walk around with a blanket wrapped around his shoulders all the time. When it comes to home repairs P is right there handing tools and playing with the drill. This big helper even assisted in changing the oil on the car recently.
      We love him so much and are so proud of all of P's achievements. We can't wait to see all how amazing he will be when he grows up.  With all of his awesome qualities I'm sure he'll move mountains by the time he's done.

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